HMO – Houses in Multiple Occupation

We have worked with numerous clients to convert and extend existing residential property into compliant, modern, welcoming Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s).

Whether you are a seasoned landlord with a large portfolio or you are branching out with your first HMO property, please come to speak with us. We have a wealth of knowledge and we understand the sometimes complex Local Authority Standards and surrounding Regulations. We can help guide you through the whole process, from pre-purchase feasibility, the Statutory requirements of Planning, Change of Use Class and the Building Control process.

We can help assemble your design team and even assist with your Licensing Application, tendering the works and take your project through to on-site construction. We also have trusted connections with Finance experts if you need help financing your project.

We offer a free no obligation one hour consultation, so please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Some images used are courtesy of B-Hive Living Ltd